Hi there, my name is Sonia! I have been a Certified Massage Therapist (CAMTC#18306) for the past 13 years. I am a sole practitioner with a small office in Modesto, California.
I earned my Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology from California State University Stanislaus in 2021 &. I want to use my education to help improve the health and lives of the central valley community! Ask me about my free community health events!
There is no typical client; I see people with a large variety of issues including, but not limited to:
Muscle pain, joint pain, migraines, stress, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, athletic and work injuries, multiple sclerosis, and many more issues.
I believe massage therapy is one of the most powerful forms of healing; I have personally witnessed the life-changing impact it can have in someone's life. I truly love what I do. Let me know what you are hoping to gain from your session so we can create a treatment plan customized to fit your needs!
I am now starting to sell my homemade organic soy candles; the benefits of soy candles is that they burn slower and longer, the soy wax is a bio-degradable renewable resource, and the smoke itself is better for you, as it does not release toxic chemicals like petro soot, benzene and toluene! Make an appointment to stop by my office and checkout my candles or follow me on instgram where I will be posting photos of my candles @SoniaAleseMassageTherapy